How to Reach Your Sustainability Goals in Your Procurement Network 

Intengine's Writer Community

November 28, 2022

In order for sustainable supply chain management to succeed, company employees and individuals across the entire business network that make up the supply chain need to act with a sustainability-oriented growth mindset.

How to Shop for Eco-friendly Bamboo Toilet Paper

larry buckley

November 24, 2022

If you're looking for a more environmentally friendly way to TP your toilet, you may want to consider bamboo-based products.

How to Build Growth Culture in Your Organization 

Intengine's Writer Community

November 22, 2022

According to decision theory and general system theory, mindset is a notion where the worldview, belief factors, and life philosophies of individuals or groups affect all thought structures. The mental attitude of individuals affects all of their actions within the organization and purchasing decisions. This collective mind, which constitutes the group identity, is shaped at 2 different ends, a fixed


The Origins of Sustainability as a Growth Mindset 

Intengine's Writer Community

November 10, 2022

A brief history on the development of sustainability as an individual mindset and organizational framework.  

15 Main Symptoms of COPD

Amelia Grant

October 27, 2022

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common problem—it is estimated that 24 million people in the United States have it—but few people understand what it is.

Eco-friendly Cryptocurrencies: Everything You Need to Know

Erica Fleming

October 18, 2022

Due to its significant carbon impact, cryptocurrency is frequently criticized. Market leaders Bitcoin and Ethereum are the worst offenders, each using as much energy as a medium-sized nation. But not all cryptocurrencies are energy-hungry. There are numerous greener options, even if many digital currencies—especially older ones—require a lot of computational power. One explanation is a


Luxating Elevators Vs. Elevators – Which One is the Best?

larry buckley

October 18, 2022

Luxating elevators are useful for elevating the tooth quickly from the periodontal ligament. In addition, the dentist operates the instrument in a rocking motion.

From Trash to Treasure: How a Saskatoon Start-Up is Working to Solve our Garbage Problem

Intengine's Writer Community

September 1, 2022

Peter Voldeng is up to big things. With the launch of VDQ-NRG, a Saskatoon-based sustainable tech company that is revolutionizing the way communities manage landfill waste, the innovator and professional engineer is on a mission to turn garbage into substances that fuel our daily lives.  But Voldeng’s big dreams come from humble beginnings, when the entrepreneur was growing up on his


Twenty-Two Environmental Wins in 2022 So Far

Intengine's Writer Community

June 30, 2022

We've witnessed various environmental victories at almost the halfway point of 2022. Not all wins have to be world-changing; every little step counts, and we believe in the driving force of focusing on the positives. In this article, we will cover good environmental and sustainability news, including examples of environmental policies and sustainable innovations around the globe. Here is a little recap of


Difficulties Determining the Validity of Supplier and Eco-Label Claims 

Intengine's Writer Community

June 20, 2022

A growing focus on sustainability plays a significant role in extending the definition of procurement and supply chain practices. This unstoppable change led companies to design their procurement policies by integrating environmental and social issues. Undoubtedly, creating a green supply chain will benefit everyone in the long run. However, as it is well known and experienced by many procurement and supply


The Importance of Supporting Sustainable Companies

Intengine's Writer Community

June 13, 2022

Look around you; you'll see that everybody is trying to make more sustainable, greener choices one way or another, be it swapping to reusable bags or purchasing organic products. These efforts even create their markets; the reusable straw market offers customers metal, silicone, bamboo, or glass straws to choose from and has reached the value of US$ 1.8 Billion in 2021. More people are looking to start


5 Biggest Challenges of Sustainable Procurement and How to Overcome Them

Intengine's Writer Community

June 6, 2022

Growing environmental awareness has an enormous effect on customers' buying behaviors. Today, companies encounter an increasing number of conscious customers who want to know the social and environmental impacts of the products they purchase. Customers' purchasing decisions heavily depend on where the products come from and what they are made of. Suffice to say, due to this questioning, more and


Sustainable Gardening: Green Ideas That Anyone Can Implement

Intengine's Writer Community

May 30, 2022

If you're looking to make your garden eco-friendlier there are many sustainable gardening ideas that you can implement. Many of these tips are easy and don't require a lot of time or money. Here are a selection of our favorite sustainable gardening tips for beginners.

6 Must-Have Tools In Your DIY Car Repair Kit

Umar Bajwa

May 24, 2022

Unfortunately, even after regular maintenance and changing of parts, cars are liable to break down. For instance, if your car breaks down in a rural area and you find no mechanic nearby then what would you do? 

How Is Supply Chain Quality Management Related to Sustainability?

Lena Milton

May 23, 2022

As companies strive to become more environmentally sustainable, the role of supply chain quality management becomes increasingly important. Supply chain quality management encompasses a host of processes that improve the consumer experience while maximizing efficiency for manufacturers, suppliers, and retailers alike.


Sustainable Energy for Drying

Ahmad Addictors

April 27, 2022

Food drying has been practiced for centuries, but traditional methods such as air drying or other unimproved processes must now be replaced by modern solar drying techniques in order to meet market standards.


mCloud Technologies Corp. Offers Software Solutions for a Sustainable Future

Intengine | the engine for good

April 11, 2022

Over the last two decades, Allana Black has witnessed the progression of a more sustainable mindset, along with more environmentally conscious solutions being implemented in the oil and gas sector. Her desire to share these innovations within the oil and gas sector—and beyond—is what led Black to pivot her career to focus on Environmental and Social Governance (ESG), and technology. 


The Best Natural and Organic Makeup Brands Your Skin Will Love

Intengine's Writer Community

March 31, 2022

Are you looking for the best natural and organic makeup brands? Here, we will share some of the top brands that your skin will love. These companies use quality ingredients and are committed to providing safe products. So, if you want to switch to a healthier makeup routine, be sure to check out these brands!

Eco-Friendly Styrofoam Alternatives. Why Polystyrene is Bad for the Environment

Intengine's Writer Community

March 28, 2022

Want suitable alternatives for Styrofoam? Learn why polystyrene is bad for the environment and how to replace Styrofoam with earth friendly products. Styrofoam’s environmental impact is far-reaching. It takes up millions of square feet in landfills, and it is a toxic material that can cause serious health problems.

7 Things That Can Weaken Your Bone Health

Amelia Grant

March 14, 2022

With age your bones become brittle. They lose their density and become more fragile. This increases the risk of stress fractures and serious injuries that can seriously decrease the quality of your life. For this reason, it is crucial to avoid things that can take a toll on your bone health to keep them strong and healthy for as long as possible. 


15 Green Household Items for a Sustainable World

Intengine's Writer Community

March 6, 2022

Check out these 15 eco-friendly products made from all-natural ingredients by green manufacturers. Trust these products to be safe for you and the environment. 

Essential Things to Know About Allergic Sinusitis

Amelia Grant

February 28, 2022

After spending time outside, you have probably developed a runny nose and itchy eyes. Your nose is still clogged, and the pressure on your cheeks and forehead is so great that you can't even glance around or move your head without being in excruciating pain. What's going on?

3 Dangerous Side Effects of Taking Too Much Vitamin C

Amelia Grant

February 28, 2022

Many of us are seeking ways to strengthen our immune systems and protect ourselves from COVID-19, therefore supplements are becoming more popular. However, if not used appropriately, such supplements can swiftly turn from friend to foe.

Banks are Playing Their Part in Battling Climate Change. Here’s How

Scott Somerville

January 17, 2022

Banks are using climate fintech to provide sustainability and innovation. Read on to learn more.

WEBINAR from the ECO Impact Learning Series - Digital Skills


January 5, 2022

By 2025, an anticipated 50% of businesses will be run by millennials, who grew up with modern technology. Widespread usage of the smartphone has led to new habits regarding technology. Traditional forms of media are shifting, and some are leaving the market altogether. 1of 8 webinars in the ECO Impact Learning Series Bundle-Digital Skills


Which is the Best Electric Scooter to Buy in 2022

Intengine's Writer Community

January 1, 2022

Electric bikes and scooters make sense for short-distance travel. Using them is a great way to social distance while cutting down on carbon emissions, especially considering public transit systems can be difficult when trying to avoid isolation in your daily life!