"Simple", I told him, "Get it back"

Sierra Club

September 29, 2014

The reality is that the market is changing. Climate responsibility aside, Sierra Club Canada Executive Director John Bennett asks,  “is it really wise to stake Canada’s future on dirty, low quality tarry oil that is expensive to produce, expensive to process, expensive to transport and costly to refine?” The message Bennett had in his heart when he took part in The People's Climate March in New York on


Ontarians want bee-killing insecticide banned

Nature Canada

September 29, 2014

Ever heard of an insecticide called 'neonic'?  Neonicotinoid insecticides are at the heart of a troubling trend: the decline of bee populations. After an analysis of over 800 research papers, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) concluded that these insecticides are killing bees in record numbers. Canadians care about bees and according to a recent poll, 92% of Ontario citizens
