Green Life: Dropping a Brick in Your Toilet Has Never Felt So Good

Sierra Club

November 10, 2014

Most of us are repeat offenders when it comes to excessive toilet flushing. In fact, the US Environmental Protection Agency reports that Americans use more water each day by flushing the toilet than any other activity, even showering! Even if you are a responsible flusher, each flush is inherently wasteful. In drought-plagued California, approximately 203 million gallons of drinking water (yes,


They Tore Down the Wall, We Can Stop the Pipelines

Sierra Club

November 10, 2014

Yesterday marked the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. When I still lived in Berlin, my favourite November 9th activity was to go to the bridge where the Wall was first breached in 1989 - the Boesebruecke. I’d sit on the cold damp concrete of the bridge, pop the cork on a mini-bottle sekt (similar to champagne) and just wonder what it was like to be there that night. In recent years, I have become


Climate Change Impacting Birds – Interview on Banff Centre Radio

Nature Canada

November 3, 2014

Climate change seriously threatens bird species across Canada and the United States according to a new groundbreaking report released by Nature Canada’s partner organization, the Audubon Society. The report concludes that half of all birds studied could see their populations drop dramatically on account of climate change. Paul Jorgenson, Nature Canada’s Senior Communications Manager speaks
