The Best Natural and Organic Makeup Brands Your Skin Will Love

Intengine's Writer Community

March 31, 2022

Are you looking for the best natural and organic makeup brands? Here, we will share some of the top brands that your skin will love. These companies use quality ingredients and are committed to providing safe products. So, if you want to switch to a healthier makeup routine, be sure to check out these brands!

Eco-Friendly Styrofoam Alternatives. Why Polystyrene is Bad for the Environment

Intengine's Writer Community

March 28, 2022

Want suitable alternatives for Styrofoam? Learn why polystyrene is bad for the environment and how to replace Styrofoam with earth friendly products. Styrofoam’s environmental impact is far-reaching. It takes up millions of square feet in landfills, and it is a toxic material that can cause serious health problems.

7 Things That Can Weaken Your Bone Health

Amelia Grant

March 14, 2022

With age your bones become brittle. They lose their density and become more fragile. This increases the risk of stress fractures and serious injuries that can seriously decrease the quality of your life. For this reason, it is crucial to avoid things that can take a toll on your bone health to keep them strong and healthy for as long as possible. 


15 Green Household Items for a Sustainable World

Intengine's Writer Community

March 6, 2022

Check out these 15 eco-friendly products made from all-natural ingredients by green manufacturers. Trust these products to be safe for you and the environment.