Gain operational and supply chain transparency to mitigate risk and assess impact effectively.

Simplify reporting on EHS, risk management, regulatory compliance, and sustainability initiatives, facilitating clear communication of your achievements.


Our user-friendly interface ensures that sustainability reporting is accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of expertise.

  • Intuitive and efficient interfaces
  • Simplified supplier templates
  • Accessible reporting


Adhere to globally accepted standards and frameworks with our prepopulated template questionnaires, reinforcing the credibility of your sustainability efforts.

  • Global frameworks and standards
  • Constantly updated templates
  • Latest disclosure and reporting requirements


A suite of modules addresses various aspects of sustainability, allowing you to manage different facets of your business's impact.

  • Existing and emerging frameworks
  • All EHS, Risk, Regulatory and Sustainability initiatives
  • Interoperability - Compatibility, Alignment and Data standardization between frameworks and ESG standards
  • Configurability for custom reports

Real-time Insights

Make informed decisions with real-time data insights, empowering you to take proactive steps toward sustainability.

  • Analysis across projects and clients
  • Industry benchmarking
  • Data driven decision-making


Demonstrate your commitment to sustainability to stakeholders, investors, and customers, enhancing your brand's reputation.

  • Supplier network messaging
  • Efficient information sharing for data management & verification
  • Private and public marketplaces

Join the Sustainability Revolution

Intengine's Sustainability Reporting Platform is your gateway to a more sustainable and responsible future. By simplifying the reporting process and providing you with the tools to make impactful decisions, we enable your organization to lead the charge in creating positive change. Join us on this journey towards a better tomorrow.

By working with our domain experts, you will discover which package or combination is best tailored to your company's specific needs. Beginning your journey early can help pave the way to a smoother transition.

Intengine empowers corporates, credit institutions, and asset managers to measure, disclose, and improve their sustainability. Book a Demo and see for yourself.

eValuater Modules

Engage with your supply chain for sustainability-focused KPI aggregation, transparency, risk analysis and reporting.