The Top 10 Most In-Demand Sustainability Jobs  

Environmental change is one of the biggest challenges of our time, but with it comes an array of exciting new opportunities for sustainability professionals who can help organizations navigate, assess and mitigate the risks of our changing world. Here, we’ll highlight the most 10 in-demand sustainability jobs that will play a pivotal role in the coming years.  

Sustainability Manager  

As organizations realize the importance of integrating sustainability into their operations, they are enlisting Sustainability Managers to identify areas for improvement and spearhead initiatives that promote environmental, social and economic sustainability. Working across departments, these eco-professionals develop and implement green strategies, ensuring businesses minimize their ecological footprints while maximizing positive social impact.   

With unique expertise and knowledge of existing and upcoming legislation, Sustainability Managers also help organizations meet regulatory requirements, attract environmentally conscious consumers, and enhance their reputation.   

Job Outlook: According to a report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for Sustainability Managers is expected to grow by 6 per cent from 2021 to 2031, making this an exciting career path for new grads or career-switchers.   

Renewable Energy Engineer  

As the world shifts towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, and an increasing number of governments and businesses invest in renewable energy infrastructure, the demand for skilled professionals who design, develop and implement these systems will continue to grow.  

The minds behind solar, wind, or geothermal power systems, Renewable Energy Engineers will play a pivotal role in reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, driving the adoption of sustainable energy solutions in both residential and commercial settings, and mitigating environmental change.   

Job Outlook: The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) estimates that the renewable energy sector could employ up to 43 million people globally by 2050, making this a high-growth career path for new grads or those looking for an exciting new career change.   

Green Building Architect  

The construction industry is responsible for some 40 per cent of global carbon emissions, and the green building sector is expected to grow by a compound annual growth rate of 10 per cent over the coming years, creating a tremendous opportunity for sustainable building professionals such as Green Building Architects.   

Specializing in designing energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable buildings, these professionals work to incorporate green building materials, as well as innovative design techniques and efficient systems to create structures that minimize environmental impact and promote occupant well-being.   

Job Outlook: In Canada, the Green Building Council predicts 1.5 million green building jobs will be created by 2030, along with $150 billion in gross domestic product.  

Environmental Consultant  

Often the organizations that need sustainability expertise the most lack the resources to hire in-house professionals to assess and implement green initiatives and practices. That’s where Environmental Consultants come in. Working closely with businesses, these experts assess and minimize their environmental impact, providing advice in such areas as pollution prevention, resource conservation and regulatory compliance.   

After conducting environmental audits, Environmental Consultants develop sustainability plans and help companies adopt sustainable practices, including identifying areas of improvement, such as reducing water consumption, implementing recycling programs, and adopting cleaner production methods. By offering expert guidance, these eco-consultants enable businesses to navigate regulations and develop strategies that align with sustainability goals.  

Job Outlook: According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), environmental consulting is a quickly expanding field. Case in point: a survey conducted by a leading environmental consulting firm Gartner Inc. found that 87 per cent of businesses plan to increase their investment in environmental consulting services in the next three years.  

Sustainable Supply Chain Manager  

When you consider that an organizations’ supply chain accounts for 90 per cent of its overall emissions and that 75 per cent of companies view sustainable supply chain management as a strategic priority, it’s not surprising that Sustainable Supply Chain Managers are in high demand. They play a critical role in optimizing supply chains to ensure sustainable sourcing, reduce waste, promote ethical practices, and drive sustainability initiatives across procurement, logistics, and distribution processes.  

At the outset, these professionals work closely with suppliers to ensure transparency and accountability across the supply chain by developing a code of conduct that includes fair labor practices, responsible sourcing, and reduced environmental impact. Next, they help implement sustainable procurement practices, reducing emissions, and promoting circular economy principles that support organizations in achieving their sustainability objectives while driving positive social and environmental change.  

Job Outlook: In the U.S., the demand for supply chain managers specializing in sustainability and energy is expected to grow by 6 per cent from 2018 to 2028. 

Climate Change Analyst 

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the demand for climate-related expertise is increasing across multiple sectors, including finance, insurance, and urban planning. Governments and businesses are seeking professionals who can assess the vulnerabilities and opportunities arising from environmental change, and develop strategies for resilience and adaptation.  

Enter Climate Change Analysts. Trained to assess the impact of environmental change on various sectors, these experts also analyze data, and develop strategies to mitigate risks and adapt to changing conditions. They can also identify the risks and opportunities associated with environmental change, providing valuable insights to governments, organizations, and communities, and helping them prepare for and respond effectively to climate-related challenges.  

Job Outlook: In the U.S., 13,390 new climate change policy analyst positions will be filled by 2029, according to  

Waste Management Specialist  

Every year 11.2 billion tonnes of solid waste is collected globally, contributing to five per cent of the world’s carbon emissions. And with the world’s waste problem predicted to increase by 70 per cent in 2050, so will the need for Waste Management Specialists to develop waste reduction and recycling programs, focusing on minimizing waste generation and promoting sustainable waste management practices. These professionals work closely with organizations to optimize waste disposal processes, promote recycling initiatives, and implement innovative waste-to-energy solutions, contributing to the circular economy by minimizing landfill waste and maximizing resource recovery.  

Job Outlook: According to environmental employment firm Eco-Canada, 20,000 new waste management jobs will be added in Canada between 2017 to 2028.   

Water Resource Manager  

The World Bank states that 2 billion people on the planet live without access to safe drinking water, and the U.N. predicts that by 2030, the global demand for freshwater is projected to exceed supply by 40 per cent. This makes Water Resource Managers, who develop sustainable water management plans, promote water conservation, improve water efficiency, address water pollution issues, and ensure water quality through monitoring and remediation efforts, vital. Also important is their role in collaborating with stakeholders to address water-related challenges and ensure the availability of clean water for present and future generations.  

Job Outlook: Opportunities for Water Resource Managers will explode in the next few years, with an annual job growth rate of 36.11 per cent in the U.S. according to  

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Manager  

The emergence of dedicated Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) roles within organizations reflects the growing demand for professionals who can drive sustainable business practices and manage stakeholder relationships.  

CSR managers are tasked with overseeing an organization's CSR initiatives, including sustainability programs, philanthropy and community engagement. They ensure that businesses operate ethically and contribute positively to society and the environment, as well as develop and implement strategies that align with sustainable practices, promote social equity, and enhance the overall reputation of the organization.  

Job Outlook: According to a report by Harvard Business Review, 90 per cent of executives believe that sustainability is essential for long-term success, making Corporate Social Responsibility management a promising career track.  

Sustainable Agriculture Specialist  

According to the Organic Trade Association, organic food sales in the United States alone reached a record high of $56.4 billion in 2020, creating ample opportunity for Sustainable Agriculture Specialists who can assist farmers in transitioning to sustainable farming practices, improving soil quality, and reducing environmental impacts. For instance, a farming cooperative could hire a Sustainable Agriculture Specialist to guide its members in adopting sustainable practices.  

By implementing organic farming methods, permaculture principles, and regenerative agriculture techniques, Sustainable Agriculture Specialists focus on enhancing soil health, minimizing chemical inputs, conserving water resources, and promoting biodiversity. They play a vital role in transforming the agricultural sector into a more sustainable and resilient system.  

Job Outlook: In the U.S., the demand for agriculture and food scientists is expected to grow 8 per cent between now and 2031, which is faster than average.  

Environmental change is one of the greatest challenges of our era, but it’s also an opportunity to for individuals who choose this path to have a meaningful and impactful career. If you are interested in pursuing a career in sustainability, be sure to stay updated on emerging trends and acquire the necessary skills to thrive.  

Pursuing relevant education and training programs, gaining practical experience through internships or volunteering, and networking can help you prepare for the sustainability jobs of the future.  

You can also peruse sustainability-minded organizations on With its smart tools and filters, this global directory of sustainable businesses makes it easy to discover hundreds of thousands of sustainable businesses that might be hiring for candidates just like you, in just a few clicks.  

Tags: sustainability jobs, sustainable agriculture, CSR, water resource, waste management, sustainable supply chain, environmental consultant, green building, renewable energy