As talk of sustainability becomes commonplace, upgrades that were once differentiators are maturing into mandates.
An increasing number of studies are being released to offer insight on the future of our planet, and the majority of them urgently acknowledge the need to adopt higher standards and tighten regulation. In order to offset the growing population and rising consumer rates, these changes are going to happen quicker than many businesses can afford to implement. The goal now shifts from easy-fix people-pleasing to staying afloat amongst competitive customs and rising expectations.
Consumers are becoming harder to please, and employees harder to retain, as younger generations enter the workforce to change the world. These new members of society echo the warnings of analysts and play a major role in determining the success of corporations based off of their commitment to change. Consumer concerns aren’t falling on deaf ears either, new laws are being proposed and implemented around the world that address the pleas of the people.
With purchase decisions being influenced by economic factors, a little legal push can be enough to ensure an effective, widespread and timely response to the issues faced.
Seen as the leading state in sustainability, California continues to set a precedent in North America for others looking to thrive in the environmental era. In May of 2018, the Golden State announced the coming mandate for solar integration in new housing developments. Starting in 2020, most single- and multi-family homes will be required by law to include solar generation. Similar policies are being put in action as you head North to Canada as well. Shifts like this are rippling through a wide range of industries, affecting shareholders and leaving room for new competitors to enter the market. To ensure a spot in the changing landscape, companies have to run their business parallel to anticipated developments in key areas of concern.
Bills C-68 and C-69 have been proposed in Canada to “put in place better rules to protect our environment, fish and waterways, and rebuild public trust in how decisions about resource development are made.” In June 2018, both Bills passed in the House of Commons after receiving input from Indigenous peoples, companies, and the public. They are now being studied by the Senate, but if passed, will bring about a new federal Agency called the Canadian Regulator Agency to guide Canada’s transition to a low-carbon economy and further protect the environment. These changes will set the tone for new and existing businesses, supporting those who comply and leaving those who resist on public trial.
These examples are drops in the sustainability reform, but the tsunami they are part of is altering the values of society.
Sustainability has two definitions:
- Environmental Science. The quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting natural resources, and thereby supporting long-term ecological balance.
- The ability to be sustained, supported, upheld or confirmed.
Corporations that uphold the first definition, in turn, can rely on community support to fulfill the second; and Intengine exists to do just that. We connect you with the services and products you need to lower your environmental impact and communicate your efforts to an audience that cares.
Government objectives are aligning with public interests, setting the stage for imperative change in business. Those that embrace the revolution while it is still a choice will be leading generations. In this global market, innovative companies have the opportunity to start movements without borders. Someone is going to be first, why can’t it be you?
Tags: sustainable business