The most important requirement for human body is water. But, are you wondering why everyone around you seems to be talking about wheatgrass juice? Are you wondering if it’s just a fad? The truth is wheatgrass juice is not a fad and those who have started including this juice in their diet clearly see the impressive benefits this superfood has to offer. Let’s have a look at the most important changes you’ll notice after drinking this juice, chock full of essential nutrients, for a few weeks.
1. Wheatgrass juice improves digestion
Wheatgrass, the first tender leaves of the wheat plant, is full of all the essential nutrients that come from the soil. Among other things, wheatgrass juice contains enzymes that support the good functioning of the gastrointestinal system. Basically, enzymes are proteins that act as biological catalysts to speed up chemical reactions in a living organism.
Since we’re talking about the digestive system, a good glass of wheatgrass juice will improve digestion helping the body to absorb all the nutrients in food. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and is a mild laxative. As such, wheatgrass juice can help you deal with common problems, like irritable bowel syndrome or constipation. If you want to reap all the benefits, look for organically-grown wheat and make sure to get yourself the best wheatgrass juicer.
2. Powerful detox cure
Detoxification is the process of removing toxic substances from your body and it doesn’t get any more natural than using the wheatgrass juice. When you look at fresh wheatgrass you’ll notice its bright green color. That’s all due to the high concentration of chlorophyll, the pigment that makes plants and leaves green. Chlorophyll is essential as it eliminates toxins and restores cellular health. The most impressive benefit of drinking wheatgrass juice regularly is that it repairs and protects the liver. As you well know, the liver is the organ that rids the body of all the toxic chemicals in our highly-processed food and needs all the help it can get.
3. Helps with weight loss
Having a good digestion is already a step in the right direction, but there are many other ways wheatgrass juice can help you lose those extra pounds. For instance, this juice boosts your metabolism, the process through which what you eat and drink is transformed into the energy needed to sustain cellular processes.
At the same time, wheatgrass juice is full of all the nutrients your body needs, while being low on calories and having no fat. As a result, one glass of this juice will leave you feeling full, so you won’t be tempted to reach for unhealthy snacks. Also, wheatgrass is a good source of selenium which regulates thyroid function, which in turn helps with weight loss.
4. Boosts immunity and reduces fatigue
Wheatgrass juice is a powerful red blood cell booster and this helps your body to be stronger and ward off infections of many kinds, including the common cold. As it removes toxins from your system, it also eliminates harmful substances that can lead to cancer. An added benefit is that since your body doesn’t have to work as hard to rid itself of dangerous substances, you’ll have a lot more energy to deal with your everyday problems.
5. Fights anxiety and depression
As wheatgrass juice operates at a cellular level, this also includes your brain. This superfood is very rich in vitamins and iron, which improve cognitive function. At the same time, regular consumption of wheatgrass juice helps relieve anxiety and fights depression the natural way. Also, it helps balance the adrenal system which plays a major role in combating stress.
Bonus: One of the first benefits you’ll notice is healthy glowing skin and stronger, luscious hair. And, it’s not like you have to overhaul your diet completely. All you need is a good juicer to get a fresh glass of juice every morning!