Sydney Opera House and Honeywell partner towards Global Goals

Sustainability Matters

April 26, 2021

Building technologies company Honeywell and the Sydney Opera House have formed a three-year partnership to collaborate on initiatives aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). The partnership follows the Opera House’s commitment to the UN SDGs in October 2019. As a Global Goals partner, Honeywell will support the world-famous performing arts centre in its


A circular approach to electrification and renewable energy

GreenBiz Group

April 26, 2021

While electrification and renewable energy are key to decarbonizing the economy, the growing demand for solar PV may be creating a new problem. Today's standard practices for solar manufacturing and disposal need close examination — especially as demands for the cheap, clean energy is set to increase.  The market for recovered materials from modules alone could total $60 million by 2030


How treasurers can lead their company’s impact investing

GreenBiz Group

April 26, 2021

When you think about who makes the greatest social and environmental impact with corporate dollars, you probably think of the head of ESG or the chief investment officer, not the treasurer. Today’s corporate treasurers, however, are redefining their role beyond risk mitigation, and they’ve become a surprising source of impact within their organizations, moving millions of dollars of cash and


Hospital food waste fuels green electricity

Sustainability Matters

April 25, 2021

Epworth Richmond is participating in a three-year trial to turn food waste into fuel for green energy. As part of the trial, food offcuts are gathered from the hospital kitchen and dehydrated in a WasteMaster machine to create a powdered residue. The residue is then used as a fuel to generate green electricity at Yarra Valley Water’s anaerobic facility in Wollert. In the first 12 months of the trial


Why renewable electricity powers decarbonization — and pays off

Grist News

April 24, 2021

Plugging in more stuff can slash Cascadia’s climate-warming emissions at modest cost. But that means moving much faster.

Top Reasons to Go Solar in 2021

Katie Tejada

April 23, 2021

In the modern era, solar panels are increasingly more affordable and they save you money, protect the environment, and increase home value. This blog post goes over the top reasons to invest in solar in detail.


Our Fiber-Filled Future Future

Intengine | the engine for good

April 23, 2021

The negative impacts of single-use and microplastics are no longer a secret, and marine conservation communities are coming together around the world to combat and control the damage. Fingers point at water bottles, straws, and other commonly used items as main offenders, and as a result many of us are gravitating towards alternatives.

AOC’s plan for a 1.5 million-strong Civilian Climate Corps, explained

Grist News

April 23, 2021

A new bill would bring back FDR's famous New Deal program — with a few big changes.


Indoor farming funding heats up

GreenBiz Group

April 23, 2021

The billions of dollars flowing into indoor ag, followed by news of a big announcement in regenerative farming, is yet more evidence of the furious pace of change we’re seeing in food production. On the indoor side, the update comes in the form of details on a big vertical farm that the startup Plenty is building in Compton, California. The plans are impressive: The 95,000 square feet


When you think climate change, you need to think about water

GreenBiz Group

April 23, 2021

When you think climate change, you need to think about water Melody Waintal Fri, 04/23/2021 - 00:05 With nearly a half its land lying below sea level, the Netherlands knows a lot about water and how to make sure a city’s infrastructure is resilient to it, particularly flood risks and freshwater supply. Arcadis, a Dutch engineering firm, is applying that knowledge to cities around the
