Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA)
in Washington, D.C.
The objective of the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA) is to promote the healthy manufacturing, international trade and consumption of electronics products and components in order to contribute to the overall development of the electronics and information technology (IT) industries, and thereby further Japan's economic development and cultural prosperity.
The world is now connected via the Internet, and electronics technologies and IT have become widespread everywhere. With the evolution of electronics and progress of IT, technologies in information, communications, imaging, and audio are converging to create new systems and products, which are bringing enormous changes that go beyond conventional frameworks, not only in our economic society but also in our lives and culture.
JEITA's mission is to foster a digital network society for the 21st century, in which IT advancement brings fulfillment and a higher quality of life to everyone.
The Association is also actively promoting environmental preservation countermeasures, including those to combat global warming.