RMI Association Member
Founded in 2008 by members of the Responsible Business Alliance and the Global e-Sustainability Initiative, the Responsible Minerals Initiative has grown into one of the most utilized and respected resources for companies addressing responsible sourcing issues.
RMI Membership is open to RBA members, non-members, associations, and vendors who support the objectives of the RMI and whose primary purpose of joining the initiative is the implementation of minerals supply chain due diligence.
The RMI has three member types:
Partner members - individual companies that use or transact in raw materials.
Association members - associations of companies that use or transact in raw materials.
Vendor members - companies that provide goods and/or services for use by RMI member companies. Vendor members are those companies that do not meet the partner member category requirements. Vendor members are not eligible for RMI membership through association members.
Members are required to accept an Agreement on the Exchange of Confidential Information (AECI) upon the approval of their application form.