Manufacturer/Supplier in Amsterdam
SkyNRG is the global market leader in the emerging fuel market segment of next-generation bio jet fuel, serving already more than 20 aviation customers across 5 continents. SkyNRG was launched following the KLM biofuel test flight in November 2009. Founding partners are KLM, Argos and Spring Associates. Aviation is one of the most dynamic, economically crucial and socially essential industries. At the same time, this industry is responsible for up to 3% of the global man-made CO2 emissions. Unlike other forms of transportation, such as cars that can switch to alternative energy sources like ethanol, hydrogen or electricity, aviation has less green alternatives to significantly reduce its carbon footprint. ThatÕs where we come in. SkyNRG was founded to be the global market maker for sustainable jet fuel. That's why it's SkyNRG's mission to play a pioneering role in creating a sustainable future for aviation. Our mission is to help create and accelerate the development of a market for sustainable jet fuel. Fuel which is safe, sustainable and affordable.