Better Cotton Initiative (BCI)
Service Provider in Geneva
Cotton is a globally important and widely grown crop. It is an industry that employs around 250 million people in the production stages alone. For millions of people, often in some of the world’s poorest countries, cotton is a vital link to the global economy. Cotton is used by nearly every single person on the planet on a daily basis. But cotton is often produced in a way that puts unnecessary levels of stress on the environment, the local economies and the communities producing it. From improper use of pesticides, to low incomes and even child labor, there are many ways in which improvements need to be made. Better Cotton came to life out of the belief we can transform this vital sector. BCI brings together farmers, ginners, traders, spinners, mills, cut & sew, manufacturers, retailers, brands and grassroots organizations in a unique global community committed to developing Better Cotton as a sustainable mainstream commodity. By helping farmers to grow cotton in a way that reduces stress on the local environment and improves the livelihoods and welfare of farming communities, BCI aims to create long-term change. It is a global approach that provides a solution for the mainstream cotton industry, including both smallholders and large scale farmers. All farmers can benefit from implementing Better Cotton and the development of a new and more sustainable mainstream commodity, Better Cotton.