Sustainable & regenerative agriculture meets sustainable business in Intengine’s registry of food producers and service providers, where organizations pledge to operate in a progressive way and to provide products that meet demanding ecological and ethical standards. Whereas sustainable practices seek to maintain systems without degrading them, regenerative practices apply techniques and processes to improve productivity and soil health. Organic farming is just the tip of the iceberg for this cohort, with suppliers regularly integrating permaculture into urban environments, reconnecting their operations with nature, and developing new ways to get output to end users with the lowest environmental impact. Leaders in environmental horticulture and viticulture are raising ecological standards in areas as diverse as soil regeneration, crop waste recycling, and the reduction of non-renewable inputs to production. Whether you’re a consumer wanting to make smarter choices at the grocery store or a prepared food producer looking to “green” its supply chain, Intengine will point you in the right direction. Start cultivating.
Service Provider
Categories: Agriculture, Horticulture & Viticulture, Animals, NGOs & Government Resources, Ecosystems, Wildlife & Biodiversity, Environment & Climate
Categories: Agriculture, Horticulture & Viticulture, Agroforestry
Categories: Agriculture, Horticulture & Viticulture, Fertilization & Soil Enhancement, Greenhouses, Energy, Environment & Carbon, Carbon Capture, Solar, Wind, NGOs & Government Resources, Ecosystems, Wildlife & Biodiversity, Energy
Categories: Agriculture, Horticulture & Viticulture, Pest & Disease Control
Categories: Agriculture, Horticulture & Viticulture, Farms & Ranches
Certifications: Certified Naturally Grown
Categories: Agriculture, Horticulture & Viticulture, Animals
Certifications: American Grassfed, Animal Welfare Approved
Certifications: American Grassfed
Categories: Agriculture, Horticulture & Viticulture, Pest & Disease Control, Business & Professional Services, Environmental Consulting
Categories: Agriculture, Horticulture & Viticulture, Fruit & Vegetables
Certifications: USDA Organic
Categories: Agriculture, Horticulture & Viticulture, Feed, Seed, Saplings & Grain