How cosmetics retailer Lush is making purposeful profit through circularity

GreenBiz Group

May 12, 2020

How cosmetics retailer Lush is making purposeful profit through circularity Katrina Shum Tue, 05/12/2020 - 01:30 This article is part of our Paradigm Shift series, produced by nonprofit PYXERA Global, on the diverse solutions driving the transition to a circular economy. See the full collection of stories and upcoming webinars with the authors here. Commerce as we know it is


Natural Solutions for Winter Symptoms

Intengine | the engine for good

December 4, 2019

The seasons are shifting and we can all feel the change taking place. We’ve compiled the most common winter ailments and included their top 3 most effective, natural remedies along with a list of others if you wish to do some deeper digging, and some overall preventative care suggestions.

Sustainable Skin Care 5 Values that Drive Consumer Choices

Intengine | the engine for good

November 27, 2018

To corporate it’s a $530 billion industry expected to surpass $800 billion in the next 5 years. To consumers it’s their largest organ and the first thing the world sees when they present themselves. Either way you look at it, the cosmetic skin care industry is kind of a big deal.