Sustainable energy from waste for better future

Sustainability Matters

April 19, 2020

Australia is one of the biggest producers of municipal waste per capita in the world. Every year, Australia saves 25 million tonnes of waste from going to landfill. But it takes very little to make a truckload of separated waste unusable, which is the general waste problem. Even some of the most environmentally savvy people don’t fully understand where everything goes in our complicated waste and


Is carbon sequestration on farms actually working to fight climate change?

GreenBiz Group

April 16, 2020

There's an emerging market to pay farmers to store more carbon in the soil by using improved agricultural practices. But some scientists are questioning whether these efforts will actually help slow global warming.

Small low carbon tech is better for decarbonization than mega projects, study suggests

GreenBiz Group

April 14, 2020

Nuclear plants, CCS and whole-building retrofits should not be prioritized over smaller cheaper alternatives, study argues, while acknowledging small scale technologies do not offer a panacea.

What past disruptions teach us about reviving supply chains after COVID-19

GreenBiz Group

April 14, 2020

In the long term, the need for visibility into supply chain data, and ability to provide services digitally across borders, whether for telehealth or education, is clear.

Has green hydrogen’s time finally come?

GreenBiz Group

April 10, 2020

Los Angeles is behind a two-phase, first-of-its-kind transformation that will turn a coal-fired power plant in Utah into one powered by green hydrogen by 2045.

States step up climate efforts by requiring utilities to increase energy efficiency

GreenBiz Group

April 9, 2020

COVID-19 has stalled legislation but efforts to increase energy efficiency are expected to resume once the pandemic is over.

How to cut 'carbon-in-transit'

Sustainability Matters

April 7, 2020

When products are moved along the supply chain, they travel with carbon emissions. According to a new publication from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, these travelling emissions account for a whopping 10% of all global carbon emissions. Not only that, but these same emissions have tripled between 1995 and 2012. Many goods, including cars, mobile phones and medicines, have


Green hydrogen could curb one-third of fossil fuel and industry emissions by 2050

GreenBiz Group

April 7, 2020

That's according to a BloombergNEF report that calls policy support for the hydrogen economy "insufficient."

From urban farming to green homes: the US cities building in climate resilience

Ethical Corporation

April 3, 2020

With two-thirds of the global population expected to live in cities by 2050, and 70 million more people migrating from the countryside to urban habitats every year, cities are growing in importance as climate actors, according to climate action disclosure platform CDP. The extent to which cities are rising to this challenge, even where national government may be failing to grasp the nettle, is seen nowhere more


Coronavirus, cheap natural gas and building electrification

GreenBiz Group

April 3, 2020

Will the spectacular drop in natural gas prices throttle the movement to electrify buildings? What's driving the coming collision.