Boardroom Executive Suites
Service Provider in Denver, Colorado
The story behind The Boardroom Executive Suites actually begins in Los Angeles in 1988. After having moved to L.A. from Denver just the year prior, our company founders, Charles & Carol Jansch, realized that they wanted nothing more than to be back in Colorado. So they quit their jobs, packed everything up, sold their home and moved back to Denver in the spring of 1989. After their move, Charles & Carol looked into a number of business opportunities, when they came across the idea of executive suites. This niche market of providing serviced office space to small businesses had been steadily growing since the late 1960s and presented an intriguing opportunity for the two. To learn more about the industry, Charles & Carol attended an executive suite industry association convention and were hooked the idea of creating a business based on the idea of helping others build their own companies was immediately infectious. Soon after that conference in fall 1989, Charles & Carol found an ideal space for an executive suite in the Ptarmigan at Cherry Creek building. A typical office space is used less than 50% of the time. That means that there is a huge amount of waste associated with a typical office heating, cooling, electrical, janitorial all of that just gets wasted in a standard office. Added to that, a centralized office in a central business district, or elsewhere, forces many workers to engage in a lengthy and highly-polluting commute.