Degree of Green, LLC
Service Provider in Waukesha, Wisconsin
The Degree Of Green program was launched in January, 2008. While Degree Of Green creator Andrew Pace has been dealing in green and healthy home building products for more than 10 years, the demand for such products has risen tremendously in the last two years. While that demand was rising, so too was consumer confusion. As more manufacturers responded to the demand with new or reformulated products, consumers were left with little solid, credible information on what claims to greenness and healthfulness meant. Pace encountered that confusion through his direct contact with consumers at his retail outlet in metropolitan Milwaukee and through discussions with retailers he serves nationally through his distributorship. His response was the Degree Of Green program which, since its initial publicity in September, 2007, has drawn considerable interest from retailers and manufacturers. Sustainable Furnishings CouncilDegree of Green is a member of the Sustainable Furnishings Council.
Listing Categories
- Certification, Standards & Accreditation / Construction
- Certification, Standards & Accreditation / Forestry & Silviculture
- Certification, Standards & Accreditation / Home & Garden
- Certification, Standards & Accreditation / Industry
- Certification, Standards & Accreditation / Personal Care, Beauty & Spas