Saxon's Flowers & Gifts
Retailer in Meridian, Mississippi
Saxon's Flowers & Gifts is a local florist offering same-day flower delivery in Meridian, Mississippi.
Saxon's Flowers & Gifts is a local florist with flower delivery service and creative floral design in Meridian, Mississippi.
Our flower shop has been proudly serving the city of Meridian for many years, designing floral arrangements for all kinds of events, be it a birthday, Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Mother’s day.
Our floral designers can help you create the perfect bouquet or basket arrangement that you desire. You can choose from our wide array of fresh flowers, including sunflowers and roses. Add some cornucopia to your arrangements for a gorgeous centerpiece!
We specialize in custom floral arrangements that are sure to impress. Our florists are highly trained and can deliver them right where they need to go!
Order from Saxon's Flowers & Gifts now, and let us create something beautiful for you here in Meridian, Mississippi.
For more info you can call us at (601) 693-6734 and (800) 748-8619.
7480 State Boulevard Ext.
Meridian, Mississippi
USA 39301