
Service Provider in Houston, Texas

EnerGenie analyzes hundreds of electricity rates and your electricity usage to find you the best match, saving you time and money.

Our cutting-edge technology, predictive analytics, and access to your historical usage data compare hundreds of electricity plans to find the best plan for you. We are dedicated to making your electricity shopping experience faster and simpler with superior customer support along the way. Our electricity concierge service is your perfect companion to unlock savings, including finding the right plan and enrolling you in it, handling any issues that may come up, renewing the plan, and managing everything in between.

EnerGenie’s smart algorithms look through an exhaustive list of electricity providers helping you select the best plan. It sifts and compares electricity plans in your area, based on your available historical usage.

EnerGenie unlocks the power of technology to find you cheap electricity plans, so you don’t have to make all the hard choices. With our intelligent platform, we find you the best plan based on your historical usage.

Our energy concierge services are all underpinned by EnerGenie’s years of expertise and industry-leading knowledge. With our services, you’ll never have to spend valuable time searching for the best plan again.


Environmental Attributes



2900 Wilcrest Drive
Suite 416
Houston, Texas
USA 77042
(713) 574-7669

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