Medinas Health

Service Provider in Berkeley, California

Medinas is a Berkeley-based healthcare tech startup, founded in the fall of 2017. Medinas was founded by Chloe Alpert (CEO), network marketplace and serverless engineering expert Tim Growney (CTO), and Jesse Avshalomov (CMO), one of leading growth experts in the country. Medinas currently has over 20 employees and contractors working around the world. Medinas’s Berkeley HQ is located in the Berkeley Skydeck offices at 2150 Shattuck Avenue. Medinas creates tools to help hospitals manage asset disposition. Hospitals utilize over 9,000 different types of medical equipment — everything ranging from defibrillators to MRI machines. When hospitals remove any of that equipment from service, they often don’t have a good plan for what to do with it, and the equipment ends up gathering dust and taking up space in hospital store-rooms. There are no existing technological solutions that help hospitals manage asset disposition. Legacy companies provide out-dated and confusing listing sites or predatory and opaque auction services. But despite the secondary medical equipment market being an over $40 billion industry, none of the existing companies are transparent and easy to use. And more importantly, none of them actually provide the tools hospitals need to make a disposition decision.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Medinas Health has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels


2120 University Avenue
Berkeley, California
USA 94709
(650) 762-5031

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