Nutritional Optometry Associates
Service Provider in New York, New York
Nutritional Optometry Associates is composed of experienced and respected eye specialists who advocate optimal nutrition as a contributing factor to correcting eye problems and vision disorders.
Dr. Benjamin Clarence Lane, a Certified Nutrition Specialist, is the founder and director of the Nutritional Optometry Institute and he holds clinics in NJ in Manhattan, listed as the Nutritional Optometry Associates. Dr. Lane has multiple degrees from prestigious universities namely Princeton, NYU, Pennsylvania College of Optometry, SUNY, and Columbia. These degrees encompass human nutrition, experimental psychology, vision science and development, optometry, and public health.
With the founding of Nutritional Optometry Associates, Dr. Lane and other similar-minded eye specialists aim to promote and educate people about the enormous amount of research and positive results of Nutritional Optometry in improving one’s eye diseases.
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425 Madison Avenue, Corner 49th Street
Suite 802
New York, New York
USA 10017