JG Press, Inc.
Service Provider in Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Published since 1960, BioCycle is recognized worldwide for its authoritative coverage on composting and compost utilization, organics recycling, anaerobic digestion, biogas and digestate markets, renewable energy and community sustainability. BioCycle magazine, BioCycle.net and BioCycle Conferences are your go-to sources for recovering the maximum value out of every ton of organic waste and wastewater generated.
BioCycle shows how to process organic residuals — yard trimmings, food waste, woody materials, biosolids, manure, high strength organic wastes, municipal solid waste (MSW), and other source separated feedstocks — into value-added products, creating jobs and green enterprises. Products include compost and engineered soils, biogas-derived electricity, vehicle fuels and renewable natural gas. Products that renew agricultural and urban soils, reduce dependance on fossil fuels, and sequester carbon.