Englewood Florist & Flower Delivery
Retailer in Lawrence, Kansas
Englewood Florist & Flower Delivery is a local florist with same-day flower delivery in Lawrence, KS. Their flower shop has been happily working in the city of Lawrence for 27 years, creating floral arrangements for all sorts of events.
Website: https://www.englewoodflorist.net/
Email: cary@englewoodflorist.net
Payment Methods: Check, Visa, Discover, Amex, Master Card, Debit Card
Business hours:
Mon - Thu: 8:00AM-3:00PM
Friday: 8:00AM - 2:00PM
Saturday: 8:00AM -10:00AM
Sunday: Closed
Products/Services: Wedding flowers, Funeral flowers, Unique gifts, Flower delivery
Social media:
923 N 2nd St ste b
Lawrence, Kansas
USA 66044