Restorative Health Chilliwack - Vanessa Forstbauer, ND

Service Provider in Chilliwack, British Columbia

Dr. Vanessa Forstbauer grew up in Chilliwack heavily involved in sports, community and her family's award-winning organic/biodynamic farm: Forstbauer Family Natural Food Farm. Her love for good food, community, health and sports fed her ambitions to work in healthcare so that she could empower people to be their best selves by helping them achieve optimum health.

After high school graduation, Dr. Forstbauer went on to compete for the University of Victoria Vikes Women's basketball team while she completed a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology. Upon graduating, she followed her dreams and explored the world of medicine deciding her future would be in the field of naturopathic medicine.

Dr. Forstbauer has a deep passion for people, community and health. She believes in the importance of empowering her patients with individualized treatments to optimize the health of mind and body. Her clinical internships at Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic, Brampton Civic Hospital’s Naturopathic Teaching Clinic, and at the Sherbourne Health Centre included a focus in sports medicine and as a general practitioner.

She has a general family practice as a primary care provider. The following are included in the services she offers:
- Physical exams
- Gynaecological exams and Pap smears
- Order and interpret lab tests and bloodwork
- Clinical nutrition
- Botanical (herbal) medicine
- Acupuncture
Her clinical focus includes treating conditions such as:
- Sport injury rehab 
- Digestive concerns (bloating, heartburn, IBS, constipation, diarrhea, gas, abdominal pain)
- Menstrual concerns (painful, irregular, heavy periods, PMS)
- General aches and pains
- Headaches
- Injuries (sport/work/other)
- Children's health concerns
- Pre and post natal care 
- Diabetes 
- Cardiovascular concerns

Dr. Forstbauer has a special love for sports and helping athletes of all levels be at the top of their game. Whether that be recovering from injury or optimizing performance her treatment plans keep athletes healthy and encourage a quick and full recovery.

Dr. Forstbauer is a licensed naturopathic physician with additional training and certification in acupuncture including dry needling. She is a member of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors, the British Columbia Naturopathic Association, and the College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia.

Dr. Forstbauer lives in Chilliwack where she continues to be involved with the family farm and youth sports through coaching, refereeing and mentoring.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Restorative Health Chilliwack - Vanessa Forstbauer, ND has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Sustainable Development Goals & Related Targets

3. Good Health and Well-Being: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Targets: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.A, 3.B, 3.C, 3.D More info



101-7056 Vedder Rd
Chilliwack, British Columbia
Canada V2R 1E3
(604) 858-2113

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