Birch Wellness - Alea Bell, ND

Service Provider in Bowen Island, British Columbia

Dr. Alea is a Naturopathic Physician and mother of 2 dedicated to optimal health and a balanced life. She believes that when our bodies are nourished from the inside out, we become empowered to live our best lives and are able to navigate through times of stress, upheaval and challenge.

Through in-depth consultation and carefully researched, practical and personalized treatment plans, Dr. Alea tackles the root cause of health concerns. She strives to complement treatment with practical tools that patients can use to integrate optimal health into their lives and experience the ultimate freedom this affords.

In her work to surface health and wellness solutions, Dr. Alea draws from a rich tapestry of experience, four years of medical school at Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine, a bachelors degree in Kinesiology from the University of Victoria, extensive clinical experience, fifteen years as a personal trainer, her own healing through naturopathic medicine and more recently – and most profoundly – as a mother.

During your initial 1-hour consultation, Dr. Alea will carefully evaluate your current health status, review your medical history, and perform a relevant physical exam. If you have had recent blood work completed, she encourages you to bring any reports to your appointment. A personalized plan will be devised to address the foundations for health, your unique concerns, and further testing will be ordered (if necessary). A follow up appointment will be recommended to review your progress and to maintain accountability in your path to healing.

Dr. Alea has a strong interest in women’s health including pregnancy/fertility, peri-menopause/menopause, bio-identical hormones, as well as pediatrics, gastrointestinal health, skin conditions, and IV therapy. More specifically, Dr. Alea has clinical experience and knowledge in the following conditions:

  • Women’s health: menstrual irregularities, adrenal insufficiency/fatigue, fertility, PCOS, PMS, dysmenorrhea, sexually transmitted infections, breast health, fibrocystic breasts, endometriosis, fibroids, yeast infections, anxiety, stress, weight management, insomnia and sleep disorder.
  • Fertility & Pregnancy: pre-conception preparation, repeat miscarriages, infertility, pregnancy support including nutritional counseling, nausea, fatigue, constipation, muscle cramps, heart burn, stress/anxiety, and labour preparation.
  • Post-Partum Care: nutritional counseling, breast feeding support, fatigue, stress/anxiety, insomnia, cognitive concerns, menstrual cycle regulation, and self care.
  • Peri-Menopause & Menopause: Hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood imbalances, fatigue, bone health, poor memory, and low libido.
  • Thyroid Imbalances: hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, hashimoto’s thyroiditis, subclinical hypothyroid.
  • Hormone Testing & Evaluation: Dr. Alea offers serum, blood, and/or urine testing to assess hormonal imbalances. These include comprehensive thyroid panel, comprehensive female hormone panel (estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, cortisol), adrenal stress index testing, iron testing, and more.
  • Bio-identical Hormones: Dr. Alea is licensed to prescribe bio-identical hormones when necessary, to help rebalance hormones.
  • Pediatrics: digestive concerns, constipation, colic, allergies, sleep concerns, skin conditions (eczema, rashes), behavioral concerns, asthma, food introduction education/schedule, colds/flu, infections. Dr. Alea also offers well-baby visits.
  • Gastrointestinal Health: indigestion, abdominal pain, chronic bloating, diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, crohn’s disease, celiac disease, acid reflux, food sensitivities, candida overgrowth.
  • Skin: eczema, psoriasis, acute or chronic hives, acne.
  • IV Therapies: to help with digestive compromise (IBS, indigestion, crohn’s, colitis), adrenal insufficiency, fatigue, chronic stress, and recurrent colds/flus.
  • Laboratory Testing: female & male hormone panels, thyroid testing, adrenal function testing, environmental allergy testing, IgE & IgG food sensitivity testing, heavy metal toxicity testing, blood type testing.

Dr. Alea’s has additional training in the following:

  • Pharmaceutical Prescribing License
  • Bio-identical Hormones
  • Pediatrics
  • SIBO and IBS
  • Board Certified Acupuncture
  • IV Nutrient Therapy
  • Neural Therapy

An Island girl at heart, Dr. Alea has made Bowen Island her home. Dr. Alea fuels her own fire by spending time in nature, hiking and trail running and chasing after her busy 5yo and 2yo daughters. A true believer in the power of food as medicine she spends time experimenting with whole food recipes, developing her green thumb in her garden, and coming up with creative ways to get her daughter to eat veggies, which she may or may not throw on the floor.

A licensed Naturopathic Doctor in BC, Dr. Alea is in good standing with College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia (CNPBC). She also a member of the British

Columbia Naturopathic Association (BCNA), Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND), and the Pediatric Association of Naturopathic Physicians (PedsANP).


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Birch Wellness - Alea Bell, ND has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Sustainable Development Goals & Related Targets

3. Good Health and Well-Being: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Targets: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.A, 3.B, 3.C, 3.D More info



201 - 566 Artisan Lane
Bowen Island, British Columbia
Canada V0N 1G2
(778) 891-0370

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