Probst Law Firm

Service Provider in Weston, Florida

Cruise Ship Injury Attorney

Cruise injury attorney Geoff Probst has significant experience in working with the families of those who are injured while on a cruise ship. Geoff Probst initially began working as a cruise line defense attorney, and eventually led the legal defense team at a large cruise line.  In 2019 Geoff decided that it was time to take his knowledge of the cruise industry and apply it to helping the injured.  With offices in both Atlanta and Weston, Geoff Probst has worked on cases with clients across the country.  

Why hire The Probst Law Firm? 1. Industry knowledge: Geoff Probst has worked with some of the leading cruise line defense attorneys, he understands the industry, how they evaluate and defend cases. 2. You will work directly with attorney Geoff Probst and he will listen to your needs, unfortunately, this is not common practice for other law firms. 3. With his industry knowledge, Geoff Probst will be able to set realistic expectations regarding the duration and potential outcome of your case.  If you are in need of a cruise line attorney, contact attorney Geoff Probst today for a free no cost, no-obligation consultation.



1792 Bell Tower Lane
Weston, Florida
USA 33326
(305) 393-6073

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