International Student Energy Summit
Service Provider in Vancouver, British Columbia
The International Student Energy Summit is a global, multi-disciplinary forum for students to discuss their role in the transition to a sustainable energy future. We will have 300 international students to join us at the University of British Columbia in Vancover, Canada on June 9-11, 2011.
The conference happens bi-annually with the inaugural ISES in Calgary, AB in 2009.
Here are the steps to becoming part of the ISES movement and securing your spot to attend ISES 2011:
1. ENGAGE with the movement online.
2. REGISTER for ISES 2011 at Purchase a one day pass, two day pass or a full conference pass for the full three days.
4. APPLY for a bursary to have your expenses covered. Apply at Attendance includes 3 nights accommodation at UBC, lunch and dinner, full access to all plenary panels, breakout sessions and keynote addresses, two gala dinners and two evening social events.
5. COMPETE and win $4000 cash prize in the FortisBC Community Energy Challenge.
6. DEBATE about the Northern Gateway Pipeline.
If you have any questions ISES 2011, please do not hesitate to email Ivy Wan, ISES 2011 Delegate Recruitment Director at Get ready to fuel the future of energy!