Go Green Bamboo

Retailer in kitchener, Ontario

Go Green Bamboo is an online purveyor of clean, green, sustainable bamboo & organic cotton blend clothing and home accessories. Bamboo is naturally moisture wicking, antimicrobial, odour resistant and thereby great for athletes. Bamboo is grown without chemical pesticides, is hypoallergenic, thermal regulating, highly absorbent & baby safe. Bamboo grows more quickly than any other textile plant on earth, it forms a dense root mat that resists soil erosion, it replenishes more atmospheric oxygen than a similar sized stand of trees and bamboo absorbs greenhouse gases. Cashmere soft clothes that require less laundering, look good, smell good, feel great, and will break down in your compost pile at the end of their long and comfy life whats not to like about bamboo? Silky soft tees, Yoga wear, plush bath mats, and the comfiest socks ever. We now carry the incredible, reusable, compostable bamboo Go! Towel. Its easy to go green with bamboo.



157 waterloo st
kitchener, Ontario
Canada N2H3V5
(519) 574-6803

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