Aussie Patio Designs

Service Provider in Bibra Lake

Looking for Patio builders in Perth? Aussie Patio Builders are patio and pergola builders located in Bibra Lake specializing in Stratco patios and custom patio builds. We help you with Council approvals and all our patios come with a 10-year guarantee plus extras like Ambient® and Ziptrack ® outdoor blinds. Contact our skilled patio installers for a free on-site measure and quote.


Sustainable Development Goals & Related Targets

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
Targets: 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.A, 11.B, 11.C More info

15. Life on Land: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
Targets: 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5, 15.6, 15.7, 15.8, 15.9, 15.A, 15.B, 15.C More info



28 Clark Court
Unit 6
Bibra Lake
Australia 6163
(089) 354-8000

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