We live in such a fast-paced rapidly changing world, time is one of our most important assets. MassageByPro was created to help Licensed Massage Therapists connect with clients for their practice in an easy, fast and efficient way as well as build a community and support among fellow massage therapists.
As a Licensed Massage Therapist herself, Founder and CEO Karolina Mankowski grew a successful business through sheer will and hard work, but acquiring new clients was always a challenge, often quite time-consuming. With technology ruling our lives, she knew she had to be where the eyes were: Online. When reading numerous forums and social media groups as well as speaking with her fellow colleagues, the same questions always came up: “How can clients find me using the most cost-efficient methods?” “How do I grow my practice quickly?” “Where can I connect with other fellow therapists?” After looking for a solution and not finding a great one, she decided to build it herself.