Ecofish Research, Ltd.
Service Provider in Vancouver, British Columbia
Ecofish Research Ltd. are experts in environmental impact assessment, mitigation, compensation, and monitoring. We have decades of experience in solving the tough problems that regulators and industry face when evaluating and permitting developments. With a team of experienced, skilled professionals, including biologists, hydrologists, chemists, and environmental technicians, we offer a broad range of environmental services including study design, data collection and analysis, reporting, training, strategic advice, agency liaison, management planning, mitigation and compensation planning, and environmental monitoring. We provide field and analytical services to government and industry on fisheries, aquatic, wildlife, terrestrial, and marine ecology issues. Ecofish serves government and First Nations clients, as well as the hydroelectric, mining, forestry, and municipal development industries.
The Ecofish team is committed to top quality work while efficiently and comprehensively addressing the needs of our clients. We tailor our work to meet the specific needs of each project, maximizing the effectiveness and value. We are well-known throughout the Province because we wrote the Provincial guidelines on conducting aquatic assessments for hydroelectric projects and the soon-to-be released Federal monitoring guidelines. Ecofish has a proven track record of quality report production and publication of documents in the technical and public realms, with international experience.
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595 Howe Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6C2T5