Project Multi Pest

Service Provider in Dartford, Kent

Domestic and Commercial Pest Control. Removal of mouses, rats, pigeons, foxes and other pests. Whatever pest problem is tearing your world apart, we are here to help. While many pest services are all about chemical extermination – we like to take a different approach, one that is healthy, humane, and in keeping with the theme of nature.

At Project Multi Pest Ltd, we prefer to steer clear of harmful poisons and toxins that can cause unnecessary suffering and damage to the environment.

We have been in the business of pest control for over a decade, over the years we have seen the industry start to fight a losing battle. Not only does poison come cheap, but the pests started to develop immunity. Inspired to find a long-term, safe and kinder solution for all – we started Project Multi Pest in 2016 with an aim to make a difference.

Our technicians are all fully certified by the National Pest Technician Association. We are also fully trained in dog, falcon and ferret handling and we boast a 10/10 CheckATrade rating. Five falcons, three dogs, two ferrets (for those hard to reach jobs), and two humans make up our team at PMP. We adore our small, highly select, and multi-talented family, and all our animals are happy, healthy and highly adept at their jobs. They also have no issues being around humans and other animals, you can follow our fabulous adventures on Instagram and get to know us better.



39 Turner Road, Bean
Dartford, Kent
United Kingdom DA28BA
+44 (147) 463-0032

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