The Green Register
Service Provider in Bristol
The Green Register is an independent, self-funded and not-for-profit organisation whose principal goal is to promote sustainable building practices across all disciplines of the construction industry. It runs a range of practical, unbiased, affordable and up to date training courses across the UK. The events combine the practical and theoretical with all topics aiming to develop greater understanding of key building physics issues to Help Create Better Buildings. Launched in October 2000, The Green Register was initiated by Lucy Pedler’s architectural practice Archipeleco, who wanted to create a network of like-minded construction professionals across the borough of Southwark, London. The Green Register is now based in Bristol with a nationwide network of construction professionals and trades people. Supporting Lucy on a day to day basis are Birgit Nicklitzsch, Richard Williamson, Elaine Quinn and Dan Weisselberg. The Green Register is also guided by our members through our steering group and Regional Coordinators. The Green Register can provide in-house CPD (Continuing Professional Development) sessions for a wide variety of small and large organisations, ranging from general overviews of sustainable construction topics through to specifically tailored sessions.
Listing Categories
- Certification, Standards & Accreditation / Construction
- Certification, Standards & Accreditation / Energy, Environment & Carbon
- Certification, Standards & Accreditation / Home & Garden
- Certification, Standards & Accreditation / Real Estate
- Certification, Standards & Accreditation / Water Quality & Water Resource Management