Wood Designs
Manufacturer/Supplier in Monroe, North Carolina
We appreciate the opportunity to share with you the many features that more and more people are discovering about our company and the products we manufacture. As an American manufacturer, located in North Carolina, everyone at Wood Designs strives to continually provide the highest quality products and customer satisfaction. We promise to provide some of the safest, strongest, and most aesthetically pleasing furniture for early learning environments by using the best materials, strongest construction, and imaginative design, in our state of the art manufacturing facilities. We meet this pledge by using the worldÕs best plywood for manufacturing our furniture. We then cover all surfaces and backs with our TUFF-GLOSSª UV Finish which is designed to be extra durable and scratch resistant. Our mortise glue-steel pin joinery provides maximum strength and aesthetic appeal. Before sending the product to you they are hand inspected for quality and correctness each and every time before being placed in heavy duty packaging to help ensure a safe arrival. Perhaps the best news of all- We provide high quality furniture with fast and dependable shipping. We continue to maintain the fastest ship times in the industry- with an average less than 4 days. Even in those busy summer months.
Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels
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608 Broome Street
Monroe, North Carolina
USA 28110