Knœ Contract Furniture
Manufacturer/Supplier in Ferdinand, Indiana
Knœ Contract (pronounced "new") was purchased in June 2011 by the owners of La-Z-Boy Contract Furniture and is headquartered in Ferdinand, IN. Knœ Contract will complement the extensive seating offering found in La-Z-Boy Contract Furniture. Knœ, LLC is proud to launch its extensive line of corporate, higher-ed, and healthcare seating offered in association with La-Z-Boy Contract Furniture. Knœ Contract products offer seating and solutions designed with the patient in mind. At Knœ Contract, a patientÕs needs come first, and even the smallest details arenÕt overlooked. Knœ Contract's extensive offerings of seating, paired with the La-Z-Boy Healthcare line of seating, bring comfort, style and practicality to any clinical setting. Being Green: Knœ Contract is fully entrenched in the full meaning of being a "good steward" of this place we live and work called earth. The company is dedicated to sound environmental policies that help preserve the environment not only for those of us that live and enjoy this today but also for future generations. Recycling: All cardboard materials used in packing Knœ Contract are 100% recyclable and currently contain 33% recycled material. Foam padding used in the construction of Knœ Contract seating products is 100% recyclable. Any unused foam is returned to the supplier to be recycled. We have fabric programs with the major industry fabric suppliers using recycled content. All our metal components are 100% recyclable material. Paper products used in our office and manufacturing facility are recycled. Air Quality: Knœ Contract is a certified Title V company which means we are listed as a small quantity generator of VOC emissions which exceeds all government EPA standards for hazardous air pollutants. Knœ Contract coating materials are cured using UV lamps rather than conventional ovens, saving energy and natural resources. Recent investments in dust-collection systems have improved air quality for our associates and lowered dust emissions in the air.