Sundance Construction & Safety Consulting
Service Provider in Gimli, Manitoba
Jocelyn BurzuikÕs career as a project management professional began with work on civil infrastructure, water and sewer pipeline projects, breakwater and wharf repairs and reconstruction, sewage and water treatment plants, sewage lagoon construction, and lift stations. A diverse background with Ontario Specialty Contracting (OSC), Western Specialty Contracting (WSC) and Newton Mechanical Electrical Inc. brings years of varied experience to Sundance Construction & Safety Consulting. JocelynÕs project history includes, but is not limited to, the Norway House New Sewage Lagoon Project with a value of 11.4 million, the Wasagaming Sewage Lagoon upgrades Phase 2 and 3 with a value of 9.2 million, Grand Rapids Phase 2 Sewer and Water Expansion with a contract value of 4.3 million, and a MB Hydro Design-Build Water Treatment Plant at Keewatinoow with a value of 4.4 million. Her work with the Canadian Reserves and Gimli Harbour Authority also brings experience with business management, resource management, safety consulting services and value added engineering solutions.
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P.O. Box 2143
Gimli, Manitoba
Canada R0C1B0