The Ninety Ninth Monkey

Retailer in Brooklin, Ontario

The Ninety Ninth Monkey is a retail store that specializes in only eco-friendly and healthy products. Goods in the store do not endorse the use of insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, defoliants, antibiotics, known carcinogens and growth hormones. Products that incorporate the practices of irradiation, genetically modified organisms, unfair trade and cruelty to animals are not found in the store. Instead the goods sold will adhere to the promotion of sustainability and harmony with our environment. Everybody has the power to begin making small changes towards a way of life that is in synchrony with our planet and our bodies. In keeping with our principles, we strive to consider the environment in every decision that we make. When it goes down the drain. Our products are biodegradable and not harmful to natural watersheds and eco-systems. Minimal Packaging: Our packaging is selected and sourced with sustainability in mind. We offer a choice of biodegradable or paper shopping bags for your purchases and we stock re-useable bags for purchase. We only use secondary packaging when absolutely necessary. We print on recyclable or recycled paper with vegetable inks. Shipping: We un-pack our shipments and re-use our boxes until they canÕt be used anymore, then recycle them. We also use and re-use boxes from other companies as well. At the Store: We encourage our staff to car-pool, cycle, or walk to work. We use recycled paper towel in our bathroom and then recycle it again. We donÕt claim to be better than anyone else, but we do love the earth and try to make our environmental footprint as small as we can.



61 Baldwin Street
Brooklin, Ontario
Canada L1M1A3
(905) 620-0399

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