What's In Store
Retailer in Cobourg, Ontario
We strive to be so much more than just another eco-friendly retailer. The products on our shelves are the result of searching and researching, testing and discussing our customers' needs. In our searches we try to find other Canadian business owners who share our passion for safer ingredients and high standards for quality. We look for cruelty-free products and work very hard to ensure that the products we carry are made of the safest ingredients. The majority of our product lines are Canadian made. All of our products are safe enough for me to use in my home and around my children. OUR ORIGIN STORY: When the original idea of What's In Store started in 2007. It was a simple idea based on the fact that people today seem to work longer hours, work farther from their homes, already spend too much time on their computers and not enough time on their relationships. I figured that if I could do the legwork for these people they would be able to reduce stress and get more enjoyment out of their "free" time. In the second half of the first year I started learning about the chemicals used in so many of the products that we use every day. I started to become more and more educated about the damage to our health and the environment that we all become a part of and don't necessarily even realize until it has become a habit that is hard to break. I knew that there had to be alternatives that we could choose. So, I set out to find products that were not laden with scary chemicals, that still met the requirements of effectiveness and preferably were made in Canada. This task was exciting and gave me a sense of doing something worthwhile...not just selling other people's stuff! I'm so glad to say that I have found many wonderful companies run by people who are doing something they believe in, proud of what they do and are truly interested in the well being of all. The goal for What's In Store is to provide a central place where those who do not have the time to do their own research can gain comfort in the fact that I have tried very hard (with wonderful success) to put into place affiliations with companies that care, want to make quality products and still respect health and environmental issues.
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27 King Street West
Cobourg, Ontario
Canada K9A2M1