Martec Recycling Corporation
Service Provider in Vancouver, British Columbia
We are a global leader in hot in-place recycling (HIR) technology for road maintenance. Martec’s HIR process is patented worldwide and has been successfully utilized in the design and manufacturing of the AR2000 Super Recycler – a self-propelled, diesel-fuelled, pavement regenerating equipment train that is the world’s only 3rd generation Hot-In-Place Asphalt Recycling System.
Innovative thinking and dedication to quality have made Martec’s hot-in-place recycling technology top in the industry. We are not content to simply rest there – our talented team combines determination with years of international experience in the pursuit of continual progress. Martec’s head office is located in Vancouver, British Columbia on Canada’s west coast. Our team of engineering, marketing, sales, and administrative staff is comprised of people from many countries who cooperate in achieving Martec’s success and that of our customers. We have responded to the growing global demand for economical, environment-friendly road rehabilitation technology and offer our international customers several options for using Martec technology, from sales to leasing and joint ventures. We aim to further the worldwide distribution of our technology by forming strategic partnerships with companies experienced in the road rehabilitation industry.
Hot in Place Asphalt Recycling TechnologyWe have responded to the growing global demand for economical, environment-friendly road rehabilitation technology and offer our international customers several options for using Martec technology, from sales to leasing and joint ventures.
We aim to further the worldwide distribution of our technology by forming strategic partnerships with companies experienced in the road rehabilitation industry.
Martec’s Goal and Vision
Our goal is to enhance the maintenance of global roads and improve sustainability of infrastructure through the use of Hot-In-Place Asphalt Recycling.
We see a world in which economies are improved through quality sustainable roads, precious natural resources are conserved, and tax dollars are put to efficient use.
We see responsible choices for the environment, a reduction in CO2 emissions, and equal access to technology for developing nations.
Listing Categories
1050 Pender Street W
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6E3S7