Cutting Room Creative
Service Provider in Nanaimo, British Columbia
The Cutting Room Creative is a multiple award winning hair salon located in Nanaimo, BC, where service excellence is guaranteed. Our full service hair salon has a strong commitment education and team work. Our Mission: To maintain the highest level of personal service and to elevate the client experience. WeÕre proud that we are one of the grow_ing num_bers of green_est salons in the world. WeÕve made a com_mit_ment to tak_ing delib_er_ate mea_sures to reduce our impact on the envi_ronment. At our salon, we under_stand how impor_tant it is to advo_cate envi_ron_men_tal stew_ard_ship, to reclaim our habi_tat & urban spaces, and to advance pos_i_tive green change.
Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels
Listing Categories
103-3180 Dublin Way
Nanaimo, British Columbia
Canada V9T0H2