Onsite Therapy

Service Provider in Toronto, Ontario

Affordable acupuncture in your own home!!!! We offer professional, affordable, in-home, acupuncture treatments. Our mobile acupuncturists help you achieve a better quality of life while reducing or eliminating pain with minimal or no side effects. Discover a healthier you. BOOK AN APPOINTMENT TODAY. Acupuncture is inexpensive and an effective way to treat pain and restore health without expensive drug therapy or surgery. Acupuncture has been shown to effectively treat many disorders. Although it is best known for it's impressive ability to reduce or eliminate pain, it is a powerful tool providing relief from insomnia, hypertension, anxiety, depression, menopause, sciatica, back pain, frozen shoulder, tendonitis, headaches, PMS, IBS, arthritis and many other conditions: source World Health Organization. Acupuncture is a relaxing experience. Most patients leave the table feeling every muscle in their body relaxed. Many chronic diseases are preventable. Prevention also occurs when we change some bad habits. Change is made easier with the help of supportive and well-informed mentors.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Onsite Therapy has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels


73 Parkway Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M6R1T5
(416) 410-8784

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