Chem Champ

Service Provider in Ottawa, Ontario

The ChemChamp mission is to DO GOOD FOR THE WORLD. All of our products, all of our decisions are pointed towards this ideal. This mantra has been a driving force for the company for almost twenty years – long before being “green” became fashionable.

We see this as a great challenge and a great opportunity.  For us, it all starts with INNOVATION.  To solve critical problems requires innovative thinking. Our tireless research and development efforts have led to numerous patents and a series of breakthrough products.

Today ChemChamp has thousands of chemical recyclers in markets across the world.  Collectively these units are responsible for recovering 8 million gallons of chemicals every year that otherwise would be discarded, saving our customers well over $75 million and eliminating 165 million pounds of greenhouse gases in the process.

For us, it begins and ends with the mission.

Our people are the foundation of our business.  Doing good for the world starts at home.  We all share a common commitment to our mission, to one another, and to our customers.

This manifests itself most notably in our product quality and our level of customer service.  ChemChamp takes great pride in the quality of its products.  Each product that is produced must go through rigorous testing and must meet strict guidelines. If there is ever any problem, ChemChamp is committed to resolving it to our customer’s complete satisfaction.

We all count on one another and our customers can count on us.


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700 Industrial Avenue
Unit # 1B, Bay Door 17
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1G 0Y9
(613) 594-3337

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