Allied Feather and Down
Manufacturer/Supplier in Vernon, California
Allied delivers the best quality product in the industry. We have built strong and trusting relationships with the largest suppliers worldwide. Every step of the process, from where we source the down, to how we clean it and then deliver finished product, ensures our customers they have acquired the finest quality down and feathers on the market. Allied has always been dedicated to developing supply chains throughout the world that offer responsibly sourced / collected down with the ability to trace that product from farm through processing to shipping out to manufacturers. In 2008, Allied became first down supplier to require signed certificates throughout our entire supply chain. And in 2011, Allied was again the first to enlist third party auditing throughout. In increasing the transparency and traceability in our supply chains, we realized the need for an all-encompassing industry sourcing standard. We set out with The North Face¨, Control Union and Textile Exchange to help develop a new in-depth and all-encompassing standard that could be used by the entire industry. With this in mind, The Responsible Down Standard was birthed. Independent, third-party assessment of all aspects of animal rearing and handling throughout the entire down supply chain help to improve the welfare of animals and, at the same time, provide retailers and consumers alike with greater confidence in responsible sourcing.