Enviro Water Minerals Company, Inc.
in Houston, Texas
Enviro Water Minerals Company (EWM) is commercializing cutting-edge technology to recover the minerals discharged in wastewater from brackish water desalination plants. Utilizing proven, commercially available technologies in unique and innovative configurations, EWM chemically separates the wastewater into high-purity, industrial-grade mineral products that are highly valued in commercial markets. All contaminants are extracted from the wastewater stream, leaving only potable water and thereby alleviating the desalination plant’s wastewater discharge and its associated environmental hazards. More specifically, EWM’s technology recovers minerals and desalinated water from waste brine discharged from brackish water reverse osmosis (BWRO) plants using patent-pending integrations of the following technologies: Modern brine treatment processes: stripping, electrodialysis, nanofiltration, biological selenium removal; Modern mineral recovery processes: mechanical vapor recompression crystallizers, vacuum crystallizers, hydrometallurgical leaching; High efficiency combined heat and power natural gas engines Rather than pump waste brine underground or send it to a disposal evaporation pond, a brackish water desalination plant can have its waste brine processed by EWM. EWM separates the waste brine into high-purity, industrial-grade minerals, thereby eliminating the plant’s environmental liability. The illustration below demonstrates the flow of brackish water from the water well to its end uses.