Bee Thumb Electric

Service Provider in North Highlands, California

Trusted electrical company specialized in home wiring and commercial electrical services.

In North Highlands, CA, Bee Thumb Electric stands out as a premier provider of top-notch electrical services for homeowners and businesses alike. Our team brings years of experience as both residential electricians and commercial electricians to every project we undertake. Understanding that safe and functional electrical work is paramount for any property, we offer a wide range of services designed to meet the diverse needs of our community. If you're seeking a dependable licensed electrician to address complex wiring jobs or energy-efficient upgrades, look no further than our skilled professionals at Bee Thumb Electric. As an esteemed electrical company in North Highlands, we are committed to providing high-quality service that meets all local codes and regulations—ensuring that every job is completed with precision and care. Trust us at Bee Thumb Electric for all your electrical requirements; let us power up your world with expertise and diligence.


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6348 Longdale Dr
North Highlands, California
USA 95660
(916) 660-3728

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