Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI)
Service Provider in Bruxelles
The Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) is a leading business-driven initiative supporting retailers, importers and brands to improve working conditions in supplying factories and farms worldwide. Our vision is a world of free trade and sustainable global supply chains, in which factories and farms are compliant with national labour legislation as well as with ILO Conventions protecting workers’ rights. Why BSCI Exists? In the context of globalisation, retailers, importers and brands source products from supplying companies around the world. Many of them are located in countries where national laws protecting workers are inadequate or poorly enforced. To address this, many companies and associations have created individual codes of conduct and their own implementation systems. The proliferation of individual codes, diverse auditing procedures and diverging implementation approaches have resulted in confusion and unnecessary duplication of efforts and costs for retailers, importers and brands as well as their producers. What We Offer BSCI works to tackle these challenges by offering one common Code of Conduct and one single Implementation System that enable all companies sourcing all types of products from all geographies to collectively address the complex labour issues of their supply chain. To ease the implementation of the BSCI Code of Conduct, we develop - with the input of participating companies and stakeholders - a broad range of tools and activities to audit, train, share information and influence key actors towards improving labour conditions in the supply chain of participating companies.