Organic Energy Corporation
Manufacturer/Supplier in Houston, Texas
Organic Energy Corporation (OEC) is an advanced Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) separation and renewable energy development company. OEC specializes in maximizing the recovery and diversion of recyclables from landfill bound MSW first. After valuable commodities have been isolated and recovered, the OEC System can convert the remaining lower value wet and dry organic materials into renewable fuel and energy. Each component of the waste stream is segregated and taken to its highest and best use. Only the remaining zero-value inorganic materials are sent to landfill. OEC provides 100% owned and operated facilities and partners with MSW feedstock providers. The key is Waste to Fuels, not Waste to Energy. No incineration is allowed. The conversion technologies utilized are plastics to oil, using a process in use worldwide, and paper, cardboard and urban wood to gasoline utilizing a new process by a CRI/Criterion, a wholly owned subsidiary of Shell.