Green Carpet Cleaning

Service Provider in Leigh on Sea

Green Carpet Cleaning are a company who offer a green carpet and upholstery cleaning service covering most of the U.K. We use environmentally friendly products, equipment and processes , all of which leads to a more user friendly cleaning process. It is perfectly possible to achieve really good cleaning results using green solutions. Over the past 10 years I have become more aware of our wider responsibilty to the enviroment and have developed a carpet cleaning method, which not only cleans very well but is enviromentally friendly. It is also healthier for both you and your family, us the carpet cleaners and best of all it will give you excellent cleaning results giving you with chemical free carpets and upholstery. The cleaning process uses the very effective hot water extraction method, sometimes called deep steam cleaning , using only food grade phosphates as cleaning chemicals. This process is extremely effective and will leave your carpets and upholstery looking and smelling beautiful! This means no detergents, no enzymes, no colloids, no hydrocarbon solvents., no perfumes, no optical brightners. Detergent free carpet cleaning, soap free cleaning, chemical free cleaning . Eco friendly cleaning in your local area.



Unit 1, Avondale Court
Leigh on Sea
United Kingdom SS92BE
+440 (170) 247-3700

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