Le Petit BumBum

Manufacturer/Supplier in Bedford, New Hampshire

Once upon a time, a sweet baby boy named Lucas was born. His mom wanted only the best for him, as all moms do, so she began researching the best skin care to use on his delicate skin. To her dismay, even the so-called organic products she found seemed to have added ingredients she could not even pronounce! 'Surely that's not best for my baby's skin', she thought! Having previosuly working in organic skin care product development, she knew of the amazing benefits of coconut oil and thought it would be a perfect match for childrens' delicate skin. 'Why is there no product line based around this pure, safe, and effective ingredient?' she asked. She continued educating herself and teamed up with some genius coconut experts and growers {yes they do exist!}... and VOILA! With a little encouragement from her loving prince charming and a whole

lot of inspiration from her sweet baby boy . . . LE PETIT BUMBUM was born. For every purchase, we give 10% to our children. It's our duty and pleasure to give. For every purchase, we’re proudly giving 10% on your behalf to Healthy Child, Healthy World. This outstanding organization "educates parents creates targeted educational resources so parents and caregivers can make informed decisions to protect the health and development of our most precious resource—our children".


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Le Petit BumBum has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels


400 Harvey Road
Bedford, New Hampshire
USA 03103
(508) 581-0925

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